jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Wikimedia logo

Hello everyone!

This is a work that consist on trying to imitate one of the logos that circulate through the Internet.
                Here we can see the original logo of Wikimedia:

   And this is the logo created by me using Gimp program, trying to simulate the original:

martes, 5 de junio de 2012


Here I leave the job I did using a program called Gimp making a  composition on a unreal background of my classmates from TICA.


Face transformation

Hello again! This is work done in my TIC class where I had to introduce my face into the body of a famous person, in my case, that of Audrey Hepburn.

Gimp- animated name

Making this exercice using Gimp, we lerned how to create an animation with our names.

Bill 1: books

This project was about created a bill with some operations that can be usseful, its created using oppen office calc program.


ANAYA 84-667-0990-8 21,00 €

SANTILLANA 84-8435-703-1 19,00 €

SANTILLANA 84-294-9262-3 16,00 €

TEIDE 84-307-4643-9 17,00 €

SANTILLANA 84-294-8667-4 29,00 €

TEIDE (ED.CATALÀ) 84-307-4636-6 19,00 €

EDEBÉ 84-236-5860-0 19,00 €

OXFORD 84-8104-533-0 20,00 €

ED.LANGENSCHEIDT 3-468-47550-0 22,00 €
If member of AMIPA 10% NO
ED.LANGENSCHEIDT 3-468-47551-9 18,00 €
If large family 20% YES
OXFORD U.P. 0-19-431926-1 16,00 €
If whole group of ESO books 5% NO
VICENS VIVES 84-316-6478-9 15,00 €
If 2 or more groups of ESO books 15% YES
ANAYA 84-667-1973-3 29,00 €

TEIDE 84-307-4634-X 25,00 €
IVA 18,00%
SANTILLANA 84-8435-969-7 19,00 €

SANTILLANA 84-294-0723-5 24,00 €

TEIDE 84-307-4643-9 18,00 €

SANTILLANA 84-294-4655-9 28,00 €

SANTILLANA 84-294-9425-1 21,00 €
EDEBÉ 84-236-6433-3 19,00 €
DISCOUNT 182,00 €
OXFORD 84-8104-544-6 29,00 €

ED.LANGENSCHEIDT 3-468-47550-0 16,00 €
IVA 60,84
ED.LANGENSCHEIDT 3-468-47551-9 15,00 €
OXFORD U.P. 0-19-431942-3 30,00 €

VICENS VIVES 84-316-6973-X 16,00 €

TOTAL 520,00 €

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

History of communication until print invention

Hello! On my second post we can see the project that explain the history of the comunications until print invention:
History of communication until print invention

The prehistory
During prehistoric times (5.000 B.C) man communicated using grunts, sounds, hand signals and body movements. Ancient people were searching ways to record the language, they painted on the walls of the caves (rock art) and they use signals and symbols to recognize their tribe.

As human knowledge was developed, it became necessary to write to transmit information. In Egypt, discovered a new way to record the language, which was the pictograph (wedge-shaped writing engraved on a clay tablet) thanks to the tables, the information could be transported long distances by horse. The Egyptian people, also found a material called papyrus (material extracted from plants, they were very thin).
The discovering of the alphabet
In 1,500 BC in what is now Palestine, the set of symbols was developed to describe individual sounds, and these symbols formed the alphabet, putting them together forming words. This first alphabet was called Cyrillic was an adaptation from the Greek alphabet. The Latin alphabet was developed on the western countries.
Parchment, paper and print discovering

Later, was invented the parchment, which was obtained preparing both faces of a strip of animal skin.

This type of communication was becoming increasingly complex on having tried to move the information to big distances, and normally repeaters' use was done.
The Romans (430 A.C) used torches, in the top of the mountains to communicate in times of war. In many occasions, the enemy, could see the information (decipher), and this way the concept of the codification was introduced.

Meanwhile, in China, around 105 A.D. Paper was discovered.
In the middle of the 15th century, the German inventor Johann Gutenberg used mobile types for the first time in Europe to stamp the Bible. Thousand years later, when this technology came to Europe, it provoked a great demand of books (using a new machine called screw-press).
Thanks to the press (1438) and his diffusion in the European continent, there could be stamped steering wheels and rudimentary forms that they contributed to the decrease of the illiteracy.

Timetable tutorial

Hello everyone!
Here do we have the first exercice that we had done this year, and consist in explaining step by step how you can create a timetable using the Oppen Office program.


How to create a timetable

1. First of all, open the open office writer program.

2. Click view > toolbars >Table> insert > table, or click on the "Table Toolbar”, and it will appear automatically.
3. In the Name box, you will see Table1. ( If you insert another table in this document, the name will be “Table2”).
4.In Size box > columns, click on the arrows to change the number of columns to 10. In Size box > rows, change the number to 6.
5. Under options click on > Borders > ok.
6.Complete the table with the name of the week in each cell and from the font toolbar, change them to bold and make them centred.
7. To change the colors of your timetable, select the cells you wish to change, and then click on Background in the toolbar to change the color.

Your timetable should look like this:






